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Isotine Plus appears to be positioned as an enhanced version of the original Isotine eye drops, both of which are claimed to be 100% ayurvedic solutions.

1. Treatment of Serious Eye Problems: Isotine Plus is said to be effective in treating serious eye conditions in their early stages, such as cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, myopia, and hyperopia (heteromyopia). These are significant eye conditions that can lead to vision impairment if not treated.

2. Additional Benefits: Isotine Plus also aims to address conditions like squint (strabismus), floaters, and flashers. When used in conjunction with Isoneurone capsules, it claims to be effective in managing these conditions.

3.General Eye Health: Isotine Plus is claimed to promote overall eye health by keeping eyes fresh and strain-free. It also suggests correcting vision issues with no reported side effects.

4.Composition: The composition of Isotine Plus includes additional ingredients such as Chandan (sandalwood), Amla (Indian gooseberry), Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata), and Bhibhitaka (Terminalia bellirica). These additions are purportedly aimed at enhancing the efficacy of the eye drops in treating various eye diseases.

5. Ayurvedic Nature: Being 100% ayurvedic implies that the product is derived from natural ingredients traditionally used in Ayurveda, which is a system of medicine originating from India.

It's important to note that while these claims are made by the product, individual results may vary, and it's advisable to consult with an eye care professional before using any treatment for serious eye conditions. Ayurvedic remedies, while natural, should be approached with caution and under proper guidance, especially when addressing medical conditions.

Eye Drops OFFICIAL Exp.2026 Isotine Plus.USA Care Glaucoma Cataracts Red Eye - 6

10 Milliliters
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